IGBC AP Exam Sample Question & Answers -1

igbc_ap_logoChapter1: Green Buildings

1. What does LEED stand for?
Leadership in Energy & Environment Design
2. Which was the first LEED Platinum rated building in India?
CII-Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre
3. Which website can you get information about green buildings and the Indian Green Building Council?
4. Which credit and how many points are awarded to a project with IGBC AP as a principal design team member
Innovation , one point
5. Who can become members of IGBC?
Any organisation (Arch, consult, Builder, instituiton etc)
6. Which member of the team needs to be a IGBC member for the project to claim the discount? Owner
7. Name the 4 Green rating systems available in India through IGBC, and which year these were launched?
LEED India New construction -2007
LEED India core & shell in 2007
IGBC green Homes-2009
IGBC Green Factories -2009
8. What is the most recommended time for a project register for rating through IGBC?
Initial Design Stage
9. At which stage should a project select the rating system the project will be following?
Feasibility study
10. Where can the fees be found for registration / certification for an IGBC rating system?
http://www.igbc.in and Particular rating page
11. Which area should not be considered in calculation of fees?
Parking area
12. What is the next stage after the registration form is submitted on IGBC website?
13. What does the project team receive after a project is registered with IGBC?
Reference guide & Leed India templates
14. What is a CIR?
Credit Interpretation Ruling
15. What steps should you take before filing a CIR?
Check the intent, requirement, calculation details in reference Guide
Check the previously logged CIR’s in the CIR page of IGBC website
Submit a CIR
16. With registration, how many CIR’s does project receive for free and how much do subsequent CIRS cost?
2 free & beyond this 5000 per CIR
17. Where can you find other project CIR’s?
18. What is Pre Certification?
To market the project, apply for the leed rating proposed with submittals.
19. Which rating systems can you apply for Pre certification?
Leed India Core & shell & IGBC Green homes
20. Can a project be denied credits in pre certification submittal?
21. If a project achieves “Gold” rating in pre certification, can it apply for Platinum in final certification?
22. How often should project team update IGBC on status of project after pre certification?
Every 6 months
23. If a project is achieving 45 credits and missing one pre requisite, can it still apply for certification?
24. What items should be submitted with the application for certification?
All building drawings,
Filled in Leed india Templates
25. How long does IGCB take to perform preliminary review?
30 working days
26. What is a clarification
Reply of the Project team for the IGBC preliminary report of Pending & Denied credits.
27. What are the contents of Preliminary Review report?
CAA (Credit Accept Anticipated, Pending & Denied
28. Where are the fees available for certification and what are the fees based on?
http://www.igbc.in & fees based on Sq.ft.
29. Is there a discount for IGBC members?
30. How much time is given for project team to respond to Preliminary review?
30 working days
31. How many credits / prerequisites does the IGBC verify on site?
Up to six credits and/or prerequisites
32. Name the 2 stages at which on site inspection takes place?
During construction
before awarding the certificate
33. On receiving the final review, what are the options for a project team?
Accept or appeal
34. How long does a project team have to appeal
15 working days
35. How much does an appeal cost?
Rs. 20,000/credit
36. Who reviews an Appeal? What documents should be submitted?
Other than the first reviewed party all relevant documents related to that credit alone with All drawings & narration (original submittal for the credit)
37. What does a “certified” project receive from IGBC?
Certificate, Award letter & metal plague
38. What is the difference between CIR and Clarification?
CIR- requires details from IGBC Raised by project team answered by IGBC
Clarification-Project team reply for the IGBC preliminary review
39. On which website can you find the information on certified projects and accredited individuals of IGBC in India?
40. How many copies (soft & hard) of documents need to be sent to IGBC?
2 sets Soft copy
Chapter 2: Sustainable Sites:
1. What are the 5 major chapters in LEED rating system?
Sustainable Site/water efficiency / Energy & Atmosphere / Indoor Environment Quality / Material & Resources
2. What are the 4 levels of LEED certification a project can achieve?
Platinum, Gold, Silver, Certified
3. Is erosion and sedimentation control mandatory for a NC project?
4. Which type of projects can NC rating system be applied to?
New projects / more 50% owner occupied
5. What is a major renovation?
More than 50% renovation (Envelope, HVAC & Electrical system)
6. What does erosion and sedimentation control helps to protect?
Protect the top soil, air pollution reduce, improve water quality
7. Is addressing construction stage for erosion & sedimentation sufficient?
8. What are the different types of seeding?
Temporary & Permanent
9. What impact does mulching have?
Retains moisture & protect top soil
10. Name 4 structural controls to E&S?
Earth dike, Silt fencing, Sediment trap, Sediment basin
11. Which Indian standard is followed for Erosion & Sedimentation Control?
NBC part 10, chapter 1, section -4
12. What types of sites are inappropriate for green buildings?
Prime Farm land, Within 100 feet of wet land (ENVIS) Habitat of endangered species (WII) & Public parkland
13. What is a farmland?
Produce crops with less damage to resources, least cost,
Best place for produce food, crop,
Acceptable acidity/alkalinity, salt, sodium
Adequate & dependable water
No rock or less rock
14. Who lists endangered species in India?
Wild life institute of India
15. What is the minimum distance between site and wet land?
100 feet
16. Is development on parkland appropriate?
17. What is the minimum density onsite and in calculated radius to achieve SSC2?
1.38 FAR ½ mile radius 60,000 sq.ft / acre
18. Name any 10 basic services & what is the radius within which 10 basic services and residential is required for SSc2?
Hotel, fire station, beauty parlour, school, hospital, bank, bus stop, place of worship, grocery, Day care, cleaners, laundry, library, park, pharmacy, post office, senior care facility, Theatre, community centre, fitness centre & Museum . R=.3root (acre x 43560)
19. What is a site with environmental or chemical contamination called?
Brown field
20. What are the 2 options for Alt Trns C4, public transportation access?
½ mile Rail line or ¼ mile Bus Stop with min. 2 bus lines
21. How many bus stops and bus lines are required to achieve the credit?
1 stop with min. 2 buses
22. What is the intent of encouraging alternative fuel vehicles?
To reduce pollution from automobiles /save fuel
23. What are requirements if Alternative fuel vehicles are provided?
3 % of occupancy & preferred parking
24. What are the requirements if recharge stations are provided?
3% of parking capacity
25. Is it better to meet or exceed the local parking requirements?
Meet (Not to exceed)
26. Define “preferred parking”
Parking nearer to entrance, core, next to handicapped parking
27. How can we minimize site disturbance in a Green Field site?
By use less area for construction work, less disturbance to vegetation
28. How much area of site should have vegetation to achieve SSC5.1?
29. A site should exceed local open space requirement by XX% to achieve SSC5.2?
30. Run off coefficients are higher for which materials?
Asphalt, Concrete, brick
31. In any development should post development run off be higher or less than pre development run off?
Should be less than
32. What is TSS?
Total suspended solid
33. How can TSS be reduced before recharge?
Harvesting pit
34. What does Heat Island effect mean?
Thermal gradient difference b/w developed & non developed area
35. Name any 4 strategies to prevent Heat Island Effect on non roof areas?
Gardening. White coating, parking in basement, parking under shades.

36. What does SRI stand for? Is higher or lower SRI better to prevent heat island?
Solar Reflectance Index , Higher
37. How do Green Roofs greatly help to reduce Heat Island Effect?
Green roof reduce the heat transfer/ gain
38. How do High SRI roofs help in Green Buildings?
reduce the heat transfer to building
39. What is the intent of “Light Pollution Reduction” credit?
Remove up lights and reduce ompact on nocturnal environments
40. Which standard is followed for calculating LPD for exterior lighting?
Ashrae 90.1
Chapter 3: Water Efficiency:
1. What is potable water?
Drinkable water
2. Name the 3 largest consumers of water in a typical building?
Irrigation, Toilets, Ac make up water
3. What is the standard pressure at which toilet fixtures should be measured?
80 PSI (Piunds per square inch)
4. What does GPF, GPM, LPM and LPF stand for?
Gallons per flush, Gallons per minute, litre per minute, litre per flush
5. What is RBTS and which water can be treated using this system?
Reed Bed Treatment system, waste water
6. What are BOD and COD and who decides the allowable limits?
Biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand & PCB
7. What are appropriate ways to recharge roof and ground storm water?
Roof water to open wells, surface water to Rain water harvesting pits
8. What is Xeri-scaping?
Usage of desert plant/dry Landscape
9. Why are native landscape considered green?
They don’t need special care much of water, integrate building with local ecology
10. Name some types of efficient irrigation systems?
Drip irrigation , sprinkler irrigation
11. How long is it acceptable to use temporary irrigation system when the project is attempting to completely eliminate the use of potable water consumption credit?
1 year
12. What type of air conditioning systems utilizes water?
Water cooled
13. What is the minimum % of potable water quantity is to be reduced to achieve the credit on water efficiency in air conditioning systems?
14. Which are the 2 options to achieve the “innovative waste water technologies” credit?
Reduce potable water for sewage by 50% by using non potable water (or) treat 50% waste water to tertiary standards
15. Name any 3 ways to reduce amount of waste water generated in a building?
Use STP treated water , low flow fixtures, Reduce potable water use for building sewage by 50% by use of non potable water Treat 50% waste water onsite to tertiary standards. Treated water must be infiltrated or used on-site
16. What is the intent of the “water use reduction” credit?
Maximise water efficiency, reduce the waste water generation (Ground water protection /less usage of water)
17. Which fixtures are considered for calculating water use reduction in a building?
Water efficient fixtures, water less urinals
18. What is the standard flow for a WC?
1.6 GPF at 80 psi
19. What are dual flush toilets?
Toilets with 2 flow rates
20. How do aerators help in flow fixtures?
Maintain pressure & reduce the water usage

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