Adoption of Energy Conservation Building Code in Andhra Pradesh – AP Star Rating

Andhra Pradesh government has made energy conservation measures compulsory for new buildings that come ups in th state from this year 2014.

           All commercial buildings and other Non Residential Buildings that have a plot area of more than 1000 Square Meters or built up area of 2000 Square Meters and certain categories of buildings such as Multiplexes, Hospitals, Hotels, and Convention Centers irrespective of their built up area shall comply with the APECB Code that will come up in the state.

The Code is mandatory for all new buildings, to comply with AP* (AP ONE STAR) with prescriptive/whole building performance method of compliance for the buildings.

The Process of Star Rating shell be started at the time of plan approval by submitting AP* (AP ONE STAR) compliance, sealed  and  signed  by  AP  Empanelled   Architect with MAUD and NREDCAP or Bureau of Energy Efficiency Empanelled Architect  against   the  mandatory  requirement  of  compliance  of  APECBC to respective Urban Local Body.

To get occupancy certificate the builder, owner or developer should submit the AP Empanelled Architect with MAUD and NREDCAP / BEE Empanelled Architect verifying that the building has been built in accordance with the approved design and plan approval to respective Urban Local Body. Only then will the occupancy certificate be issued.

The Urban Local Body may conduct random unscheduled progress inspections throughout the construction phase of a building for any new building, addition or alteration project, to ensure that the building complies with the APECBC. “

APECBC Compliance Rating Methodology:

        Category                                            Compliance Requirement
AP* compliance by prescriptive method as per APECBC or compliance by whole building performance method with energy savings up to 5% above standard design
AP ** compliance by whole building performance method with energy savings of ≥6 and ≤10% above standard design
AP *** compliance by whole building performance method with energy savings of ≥11 and ≤15% standard design
AP **** compliance by whole building performance method with energy savings of ≥16 and ≤20% above standard design
AP ***** compliance by whole building performance method with energy savings of ≥21 and ≤30% above standard design
AP ****** compliance by whole building performance method with energy savings above 30% of standard design

Comments 1

  • Glees erklärt die Irritation in Europa damit, dass Deutschland von Griechenland die Einhaltung der
    Regeln gefordert habe, sich nun aber über die Regeln hinwegsetze:
    „Die Deutschen stehen da als Rechtsstaatsleute,
    die Gesetzen folgen, die das vielleicht mit dem Herzen machen,
    aber immer mit dem Gehirn.

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